Ciao From Bring

Today I was reading the local press and I happened to glance to the classified ads that appeared in the newspaper. I was surprised to see the large amount of te...

Sectional Doors

This will provide a ready-made sectional doors from the warehouse rather than waiting for their manufacturing plant in Germany. In addition, the price will be p...

Huancabamba River

Returning to the toponymic area avocado, Taylor (1994: 50-51) recorded in the 16th century NAM/NUM (Nama or Numa) terminations TSA / NTSA (Entza: course of) wat...

Ramon Gallegos

R. 2010, p. 6). When at last realize us such mistake, will emerge the reality of enlightened consciousness, which is our true nature: being-consciousness-happin...

Don Quixote

Represents the crisis of ideological of the transitional period between the Renaissance and the Baroque period, i.e. the change of mindset that experiencing the...

The Likeness

When we realize that what happens to us happens to us to others and what happens to others happens to ourselves, opens the compassion, universal love, spiritual...


It is obvious that learning a language different from ours only brings advantages. In addition to being able to communicate and interact with a greater number o...

European Process

If, in economic terms, this activity had ability to search its space, with relation aoseu impact on the base of natural resources, of which dependeincondicional...