If, in economic terms, this activity had ability to search its space, with relation aoseu impact on the base of natural resources, of which dependeincondicionalmente it stops remaining itself, what it is perceived, throughout centuries, is umcontnuo destruction process face its impacts on the vegetation, native animals e, for extension, to ground and the hdricos resources. In the process of occupation of the Serid Potiguar, primeirasfazendas was delivers to the cattle tenders, whose roll of attributions, counted aeliminao of the animals that attacked the flocks, between which was includomamfero such as ounces and outrosdemenor transport, as red cat, for the provoked attacks ' ' miunas' ' (sheep, bodes). If it cannot leave to relate that, in this process de' ' limpeza' ' of what he harmed the European yearnings, nor the forampoupados aboriginals. The long-distance principle between the farms and the reasprodutoras of food led to the development of small agricultural areas, noentorno of the corrals, for which eo needed the falling of trees the native vegetation cut of great amounts wooden for construction surrounds of them, depau-the-puncture or of entranadas poles to protect the area. If it cannot leave to deacrescentar that the vegetation, also was employed in the baking of foods, the construction of the huts and the confection of all the furniture. However, in the comeoinexistia division of areas (surrounded) and it offers of capim was enough to paramanter the still small volume of animals. The constant increase of the number of farms, demanded aconstruo of surrounds popularly of great dimensions (known as surrounded), for which they used rocks in the confection or works with wood. This process reached oponto maximum, to the measure that the farms had passed to be cut into pieces entreherdeiros, for occasion of death of familiar, taking the umapropriedade division, as the number of benefited, in ten or more properties (today, properties are countless small the great that do not make use demadeira for the proper consumption). .