With the advance of the purchases online a new type of rendering of services is if becoming very common for the Brazilian consumers: the importation through the post offices. It functions thus: 1 – You research for the Internet enter the thousands of American store online and find the product that she needs; 2 – You enter in contact with one of the many companies who give the service of purchase for order and request a quotation; 3 – The company makes a research and a quotation sends it; 4 – You approve the purchase and combine the terms of payment; 5 – The company effects the purchase and places in the post offices for you; 6 – After 30 days you receive the acknowledgment from the post offices, paid the tax (it will be itself the case) and remove its product. He is simple thus same! The only difficulty is that if you will not be fluente in English you can be that has problems to understand the specifications of the product, but the good lenders of the service of purchase for order costumam to help in this direction. The best ones even though arrive to help showing similar products and that it can to come to have one better cost benefit. It goes to depend on its ability in the hour to choose the company. What you need to know in the hour to choose with who to buy: – The Internet is full of badly intentioned people.
It gives to preference the companies capable to demonstrate that they are idoneous and does not buy if to be in the doubt. In another article we list some tricks to evaluate a virtual store. These tips if apply perfectly to the companies of purchase for order. Click to read artigob here – Its order goes to delay of 20 the 30 days to arrive. It does not believe who to less promise to you of what this; c – Also it does not believe if to say to it that to exempt they obtain you of the tax: the Federal Prescription much more rigorous and catching is weighed in such a way with storekeepers how much with the purchasers. It has in mind that you go to have that to pay the tax and, if the final price will not be attractive, not if leaves to convince for the salesman. As you can see the process you are really simple and valley very the penalty. If to want more information the respect visits our store or orders an email for importa@ demiami.