
Diet without knowing that you can consume to maintain a balance is something that leaves us a bit puzzled. We can make many mistakes which we may regret later. For this there is a myriad of menus and plans to lose weight and you can do for weeks and help you achieve your goal. These menus are designed precisely to help you lose weight by providing fewer calories. Breakfast This is considered the most important meal of the day and should be an increase in food energy. It is crucial to be filled at breakfast to help provide energy for the whole day.

An example of a healthy meal for breakfast is a piece of bread accompanied by some form of nonfat cheese, can be cast. Serve with a serving of protein, fat may be ham or meat, also eat a fruit and sweeten your coffee or chocolate without fat, with brown sugar. If you want to vary your breakfast and only wants to consume fiber-rich, prepare a bowl of oatmeal or any flakes cereal with milk fat. Serve with bananas rich in potassium to make it more palatable. Lunch Spinach salad is a healthy dish for lunch. Prepare this dish with three or four cups of baby spinach with chunks of boiled egg cut or quail eggs. You can also add shredded strips of bacon fat, five pieces of thinly sliced mushrooms, the third of a cup of croutons, three slices of onion and you may attach a sheet of fat-free cheese.