
Thus, the law is joust that each time more is come close to the beginning of rationality and that it originates a legal legislation universal. 3.2 The college of the coercion as a pledge of the individual freedoms in the constitution of the doctrine of the right the apex of the doctrine of the right is the college to coerce. This implies that the right and the college of coercion are non-separable in the kantiano universe. Thus, when somebody tries to hinder outrem to act morally, the right acts as coactive force of the external freedom, that is represented by the state, to annul the offered resistance. In this direction it designates Kant: The opposition to the obstacle of a effect is required by this effect and is in compliance with it. However, everything what it is unjust opposes the freedom, according to general laws.

The resistance is an obstacle rank to the freedom. Soon, if some use of the proper freedom constitutes an obstacle to the freedom, according to general laws (that is, unjust), in this in case that the resistance that if opposes to it, as had destined itself to make to yield the obstacle to the freedom, is in agreement to the freedom according to general laws, that is, that it is joust: for conseguinte the right is non-separable according to contradiction principle, of the college to compel what its is opposed exempts exercise (DD, D). One becomes necessary to mention that it had an apparent referring antinomy the relation of coercion and freedom, that Kant clarifies when emphasizing the nexus between such relations. This discharges in the following questioning: Of that it forms can be conciliated the freedom, that must be respected to fulfill the law legal, with the coercion or coercion, that I possess the right to exert it? (Cf. Bobbio, 1997, p.78). In this perspective, the right is a freedom ' ' limitada' ' in virtue of the existence of the other people’s freedom.

Establishment Commercial

In this article I want to comment briefly on the reasons that may motivate a change in the distribution of items of merchandise in a store or supermarket. Many times change is not something desired, however, can be up to vital to continue the business at some point. I am sure that the reader like me has been in limit situations that put us on the edge of the precipice and while there we must decide any changes important to not succumb. The same happens in the business.

Among the reasons I understand most important to decide to make major changes in the Layout of our store, supermarket or Local commercial I can quote the following: A bad initial layout changes and evolution in customers and their purchasing habits and consumption changes in the physical environment of the Area in which changes in the products that offer us our suppliers the animation of the point of sales a bad distribution or initial deployment are located. Given the fact that our initial deployment It will respond to several previous studies, will be strange get to say that to happen; However, it is very possible that we should make adjustments and many times these adjustments involve some time and effort. Paramount in the implementation or physical distribution of the elements of the local is contributing with the profitability of the physical space that we have, that achieved a circulation smoother buyers and take it to each space of the shop or supermarket. Therefore we can realize the need for changes in this respect noting consumers and measuring the results of sales. How our customers run through the establishment, we see lost, customers ask much to our staff where is this or that merchandise? Other clear action we can take in this regard is to do a survey among visitors most frequent.

The Same

These behavior or action scenarios are dynamic and allow modifications, adaptations and impacts on the same path of action. It is for these reasons that, where we have environments of instability and uncertainty, strategic thinking does more than is necessary. It is in these situations where you must always prevail strategy before the program. 2 Educate to educate in the enjoyment enjoyment means to generate enthusiasm, each and every one of the activities. Then, an educational process sustained by the enthusiasm, means that all members of the school to feel alive, they share their creativity, they generate original responses, having fun playing, enjoy. Educating for the enjoyment means mobilizing energies on a shared fun adventure; feel and do feel, giving the best of themselves and receive the best of the others to participate. All this necessarily implies a joyful atmosphere, both material resources and human encounter. Here comes the richness of the senses, imagination and collective creation.

If we are born to enjoy we have every right to learn to enjoy. This goes directly against illusory models of enjoyment, as the widespread massive scale by advertising. There are other ways, such as answers to the question: when enjoy life? If the current school teaches not to enjoy, the sense of an alternative education is educated for the enjoyment. The enjoyment is a starting point and llagada, an incentive to live and the key to life itself. 3 Educate for significance and expression with sense education educates protagonists, beings to which each and every one of the activities, each and every one of the concepts, all and each one of the projects, mean something for your life. This significance is the starting point of the meaning of the world and others. The ability of make sense, to mean the world and own experience, through the ability to criticize the senses and non-nonsense.


The family is born of the society and the society is agglomeration of all the families. It is composed basically for the triad, mother, father and children, and if presented in two distinct ways: as a family public (superficial and happy, to the times until envied by many) and as one particular family (real and problematic). Initially, nothing father or mother demands themselves in formation substance to be, but in to elapse of the development of the boys, the pedagogical unconsciousness of mothers will be able to find parallel in the reproductive unconsciousness of man. Then, the task for the parents is hard, that is to generate to create the children. is hard the task for the children, that is to support and to load the imperfections, disillusions and ressentimentos of the parents.

For the theory of the transference of which Freud cites in its studies, we can to understand that it is very common the parents to repeat with its children what the parents of them they had made with them in the past. Something easy and very logical to understand, but difficult of being improved of generation for generation. Why? Because he stops to understand the familiar problem is necessary to perceive that the person not adoece separately, but in group. He does not have psychotic individual, has psychotic ill family. She would have to be the goal of the parents to establish a sincere relationship with its children.

But, many times, the incapacity to see them as an authentic person it makes it difficult the agreement. Then, it is tried to make for they projects or molds that they do not correspond its real expectations. In more serious cases, the parents they want that the son is its image and similarity and if they will not be are missed they need to be corrected, if possible for the life all.

Automobile Industry

Long been observed that in the segment of trucks all the loudest gets the premiere did not dump trucks. The first sights of designers and design engineers are always directed toward the trunk of tractors. It is in This category comes first all the improvements, and only then, with a lag of 3-5 years of innovative solutions adapted to construction engineering and start selling trucks as modifications of these basic models. And many "bells and whistles" which is equipped with tractors – in the trucks are not needed in accordance with the specifics of their operation. Still, truck drivers really "lives" in the car for weeks and for him comfort and convenience of the cabin is very important. Another thing – dump trucks.

Usually they work on the shorter "arm" and in more severe conditions – construction dust, off-road. And yet … The European car industry – the undisputed leader in issues of comfort, reliability and environmental performance of cars of any class. Mighty cab MAN, Mercedes, Volvo, even in the budget version – used to install the tipper – retain all their generic features. Verified ergonomic driving position, generous design of the dashboard, designed internal compartments for personal belongings driver …

The various systems that monitor adherence to speed mode, driving and rest up to monitor signs of fatigue or intoxication. In general – large-scale "social package" chauffeur protect health and safety at work. Dump trucks KAMAZ, URAL, other machinery manufacturing Russia and the former Soviet Union – although equipped with more than today, more comfortable cabin than before, is still inferior to foreign analogs in terms of comfort. The fact that Europeans consider "budget" option – for Russian booths remains a luxury. Thanks uncomfortable driver's seat and "heavy" management driver's profession in Russia is still fraught with load and unit physical fatigue. But as the song says, – of our national tradition "here believe the measure of fatigue … a little sad that even the Chinese trucks in terms of ease of operation and enhanced driver convenience are often much higher for domestic level of comfort. This is partly also due to local circumstances. For example, air-conditioning – is not a basic option for Russian trucks – is installed in every Chinese dumpers. This is not surprising if remember that the climate in China is hot and humid, and there is no air conditioning to work hard … Another curious feature: trucks from China for the most part have a sleeper cab. Whereas in the domestic trucks sleeping bag – a great rarity. Comparing this technical solution with a clear migration of Chinese people around the world (and to our country in particular), Russian folk wisdom of this logic is understood at once: "must be the same Chinese Driver-guest-worker somewhere to live! ". But the joke-joke, but within peresmenok and downtime our drivers with no less pleasure than the Chinese have a rest in a more convenient and comfortable cabins.

Ramon Gallegos

Part of the philosophical position that something different can be complementary, making us more universal. Dialogue between student and teacher based on a spiritual relationship whose priority is communication creating values and common purposes where everyone wins, that is, a ganadora-ganadora holistic policy is primary in education holistic, point is how to learn to think together, to listen to each other, share, cooperate to achieve a common discernment, dialogue process leads us to be respectfulhumble, democratic, patient, cordial and tolerant. This education is for all life, it is significant and permanent learning, it is one comprehensive training to learn how to live responsibly, intelligently and compassionately. Holistic education is an alternative applicable to any culture or social, taking into account circumstance that the only way to get closer to an education. In holistic education, the enormous responsibility of the 21st century is go the quality of objects to the integrity of the subjects… Any development proceeds (healthy process) differentiations and integrations, if differentiation is stopped, failure is the fusion (process pathological, everything is the same), by contrast, if it goes too far the result is fragmentation, (everything is contradictory). Integrate, it is to unite diversity, and this is organized into holones.

Holistic education considers two types of hierarchies: of domination that are pathological, authoritarian and destroy the process of evolution and development which are natural stages of development of the evolution of the cosmos, this type is called holarquia because they are totalities within totalities. According to Dr. Ramon Gallegos multinivel-multidimension mainstreaming should be directed to the integral, and the first step is differentiation, important then is differentiate levels and educational dimensions. Multilevel education is considered in five levels of totality, and forming a holarquia of education aware, the first level of entire works with the educator holistic is the individual consciousness, where should respect each student’s learning style. The second level is the community conscience of human beings.

Gemma Saenz

Take care of your emotional health; for this reason it is suitable that you talk to someone what worries you, you upset and you stressed, or at least write it on paper and throw it away. Then breathe deeply, you’ll see how you feel relieved. Get some physical exercise because our body needs to move to generate the energy it needs. Walking 20 minutes a day may be enough to start. You will help you to download your mind and relax your body. Finally, I recommend that you leave the routine and goals gradually change in your life. How? It seeks to put you different colors each day. Look to see which color you want, this will be the best for you.

If you’re discouraged better Ponte vivid colors, they will rise your mood. Our bodies also need different stimuli, so food must be varied, meat, fish, pasta, different fruits and vegetables, all cooked in different ways and seeks to change the color of the dishes, glasses, tablecloths. It is a more fun way of eating and connects us with the color and variety of life. As you go by making these small changes you’ll feel better with it and that is going to lead to a more healthy, quiet and active life. Flower Melguizo Aguilera doctor specialist in medical oncology, Psychosomatic Medicine, psychotherapist. Emotional management in the TRCD method based on testing of M Gemma Saenz: fear the decrepitude of old age, disease and death. Original author and source of the article.

Job Wanted

WORK for youth by Dr. Benito Calcagno (1). THE lack of education puts at risk the future El Dr. Benito Calcagno, an expert in the law of labor and human relations, anticipates the future of the youth of the Argentina, given the current lack of adequate education and how to remedy it. The lack of proper education leads to a generation of unskilled workers. Lack of education is one of the main problems requiring an immediate remedy.

Our country has a very unbalanced distribution of wealth and even though we are not the worst country in the world, because Brazil is worse, we are at the same level as Chile. I say that it is a bad distribution because much of society lives poorly and without any possibilities of training and this causes those vicious circles of social polarization and behaviors and high costs for all. The immediate horizon should be improving the quality of life of all citizens and educate, because it is the only way to achieve greater social inclusion. The following job order was received in the Meo Working company of my friend, the engineer Meo Aquiles de la Torre, who also am your advisor. That answer should be in this case? CURRICULUS BITAE photo real to 12 June 2010 (the sack me pocho with foamed) Lic. BRAiAN ALEXIS PACHECO.

They Are Insurance

They are insurance contracts entered into in writing between a natural or legal person with an insurance company. These contracts define the level of payment or disbursement that shall be the insurance company and the fees to be paid monthly or annually the person who hires said sure. The amount that disbursing the insurance company will depend on the terms of the contract and what things or properties are secured in the same. This contract is called a policy and its objective is to cover expenses in case of an event or accident to the insured good occur. There are many types of insurance, these will depend on the needs of the person, that is what you want to make. There are insurance for houses, for vehicles, for accidents, for valuables, to disease, to shops, to sick leave, for savings.

There are other more specific still, honeymoons, golf insurance insurance, safe agricultural, insurance of skiing, etc. Insurance have been created with the aim of making an accident before making that a person sacrifice all his savings already is not affected as, since the insurance covers expenses of huge importance that the person alone could not cover of a coup only. Insurance is usually optional, they depend on the will of the contracting person, however there is an insurance that is compulsory: the vehicle insurance, the reason for its enforcement is the high level of traffic accidents recorded in all over the world and lots of losses in monetary value and damage to the health of third parties causing. Original author and source of the article

Is Mateus Manoel

The fight is stopped ' cabra' it is strong, does not surrender easily, exactly fighting against two feras enraged and with hunger of revenge. During the shock, Higino tried to take it to it knife, but in the sudden pulled one, the sharp blade cut off the right thumb to it. The adrenalin was strong, it ruins only perceived it, when already it came back toward house. The fight recrudeoke, the bludgeon fell, until finally, Manoel de Brito tumbles in an abrupt declivity, this situation they obtains to take it to it knife. ' cabra' solua gasping, is almost without forces.

At that moment, they had decided to eliminate of time the disaffection, had fear of a posterior revenge. Cravaram to it two machete blows, but in a last effort, Manoel obtain to esquivar themselves and are feigned deceased, fortunately penetrated to it only among the ribs. After the revenge, the avengers if had raised and run away, but fortunately of the destination, happily Mr. Higino did not become in that day an assassin. He was proven in fact, that Manoel de Brito was very strong, therefore after this sova obtained to recover, but never more he was the same, he was with the all entrevado body and started to depend on the others to survive. This crime practised for Higino relieved it many years of suffering and anguish. Manoel was inhabitant of Adriano de Augustin and this did not leave for less, envidou all its efforts to botar the Higino in the chain.

Taking pains of its inhabitant, Adriano denounced the aggressor in the Body of Municipal Guarda of Is Mateus. The situation was complicated, accusation of attempt of deliberate homicide and still with an aggravating one, the participation of Caetano, this relieved it a great process and an effective mandate of arrest. Now Higino was in extreme squeeze, pursued for Adriano and looked by the police guard.