The 52

Who is to blame, and whether to do something? Trying to find the perpetrators – thankless task. But as a rule, a simple man in the street used to look for the cause of the reality surrounding him. The first who took the blow in the history of the train 47 – 48, was a conductor, whose name is on some reasonably remaining anonymous. The reason is clear: the conductor – the lower court of the railway, which has directly (or should have) contact with the passengers. I must admit that among the 52 passengers cars (excluding small children) only two decided to express discontent. Conductor, which is characteristic of the charges and excuses at the same time met some slightly terrifying indifference.

Standing in the lobby, he was waving his hands and actively flavoring their non-native Russian language foul language, poker-faced in writing up their flowed hard wiring proportion, sometimes as "the habit of" opposition, going to the condemnation of the socio-political system his native Moldova. From his words it appeared that the nine years he worked on the Moldovan railway for very little money, but is unable to change their profession because go, in fact, nowhere else but at home waiting for children, spouse without work. An illegal travel to the Russian capital, he does not want. He told the indifference of the authorities to his "numerous requests" to repair the cars, fix the light in the vestibule, etc. With high unemployment for the bosses finding willing to work for peanuts in the cars – not a big problem, and loudly express their opinions conductors offer a dismissal. By the way, he said that on two flights (from Chisinau to Moscow and back) to give the car just two roll of toilet paper. It turned out that all the excuses of the conductor charges were reduced to heads and low wages, they say, we would be glad to work well, but at the top do not give.

Like Uncle Scrooge

Have you ever noticed? – Save only the poor! "Not true" – some would say. Vaughn, too rich save. "Not true" – I answer. In this case, they are also poor. I bought a cheaper – to save money! Or, "saved a dollar – earned dollar. " Like Uncle Scrooge liked talking of "DuckTales." When you save, you are literally creating money out of thin air.

This process is so fascinating that there is a desire to save at every opportunity. Then you can create money out of thin air every time you buy something. An amazing magic! Here it is a nugget – ball money without extra effort! But, as we know it is just fumbled cheese in a mousetrap. The idea that the economy is good for your wallet and life in general – a brazen lie. Because the effect of the economy is completely the opposite. Meanwhile, most likely you have not yet traced the chain of cause effect relationships.

Do not rush. Now we all face it. To understand why the economy keeps people in poverty, let's take a look "poor" in my head (I hope you did not take it literally) and see how he thinks, and what consequences it brings. So, the logic of the poor: "To meet the requirements needed money (captain obvious). Every month I get a fixed amount of money. And, since my needs far exceed my income, and it does not depend on me, I have to minimize your costs to get the most out of the money that I have. Since my goal – to minimize costs, then I need effective tool that will allow me to achieve my goal.

And Make Sure That Your Infoproducto Will Generate Revenue

Today we’ll talk about how you can make sure that your digital product will generate income. Okay, at this point we already have that you have selected your niche market and elected the five key words or phrases that people is inquiring about its subject through search engines. The following will be discovering if the referred market niche really bring income. Keep in mind that a priori there is no guarantee that you will earn money with your infoproducto, however if you follow the steps which we will detail here will know in advance if there are likely to be so, saving you time and effort. What would serve to create a product without demand? Absolutely nothing! Before you begin I would suggest to create a folder on the desktop of your computer to have at hand all the data that will handle from this moment.

Simply call that folder with the name of your niche market, e.g. fishing, gardening, repair-pc, golf, training-of-dogs or the topic you have selected. Now, to find out if your product will be profitable we will need to make sure that people who are using the key words or phrases in their searches are buying!There are several ways to discover this, we will recommend here which believe more simple and effective. First, open your browser to the Google search engine on and enter the phrase or keyword with more searches of the five previously selected, for example training dogs. Once you have clicked search, the following will be observed the number of search results. For example, at the time of this report, there 4,990,000 results for the phrase training dogs. This is a good figure and normally will show that there is an interesting market related to the market, in this case the dog training niche. The following will be observed the number of ads in Adwords which returns the phrase.

Moises Wasserman

The previous Government had disregarded this request, which was included in a bill that reformed some articles of the law 30.Sin however, to the surprise of the guiding, in the proposed reform to the system that the Government introduced in days past was not included.In the past 13 years, our budget has remained fixed with the index of prices to the consumer () in 2009 became an addition of 70,000 million pesos, which is very little for the system of 32 public universities with 600,000 students. That money has not finished paying and is only adding that have made at that time, said the rector of the National University, Moises Wasserman. In the proposal, the Government proposes to grant to the public a 1 percent additional to the IPC in 2012, 2 percent in 2013 and a 3 per cent prop 2014 and 2019. For the universities, however, it will not be enough to survive with the number of students who have, in addition to the commitment to increase, increasingly, its enrollment.Ten years ago, the cost per capita for each student of the Universidad de los Andes and the Nacional was the same. Today, the cost per student of the national is the third part in a student’s of the Andes, emphasizes Wasserman, who believes that the additions raised the Government are palliative insufficient, given the economic responsibilities that must be assumed by the universities.There are requirements arising from new laws that have governed the salary of teachers according to their academic productivity, have increased the costs of social security for all employees and have substantially modified the structural requirements for educational facilities. Likewise, the improvement of the quality system has required more best laboratories, libraries, places of study and areas of well-being, adds the rector of the private Nacional.Dinero at the University Publishedin the presentation of the proposal, President Juan Manuel Santos clarified that public resources are limited and face that reality, proposes that the private company put your grain of sandeven in the public University for providing support and improvement of the educational service, and the development of research projects and productive projects, according to the standard contemplates it.


The Olympics in 2002 in Salt Lake City $ 2 billion, in 2004 in Greece 7 billion . Suggest that the Olympics in 2012 in London would cost $ 9,5 billion, the Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi in 2,2 billion dollars. The cost of the Olympic Games is growing with each passing year, more and more heavily invested in the creation of appropriate infrastructure and ensuring the necessary level of security. There is no doubt that Russia will fulfill all the declared plans and commitments, but there will be enough for all of the planned 12.2 billion dollars? However, the economic component is just one part, albeit very important, but not the most important in the set aspects that affect the evaluation and the desire of organizers of Olympic Games. 10-15 years ago such a decision the IOC was not possible even if there is willingness from the Russian side, as on financial, political considerations, and from the point of view security.

For most Russians, this is an event of greater magnitude than the international competitions or huge business project. the matter here. Event that increases the country’s prestige in the international arena and their own self-esteem, which means recognizing not only the sporting achievements, but also political and economic power of Russia. Interesting facts: The Mayor of London Ken Livingstone, at the cost of the Olympics in London in 2012: “Here you have a lot of money in case you screwed up. ” Olympic competition in Sydney in 2000, watched by over 3.7 billion people Experts believe that from about 3 dozen contests today in only three cases, the organizers were able to get real income: in 1948 – in London in 1984 – in Los Angeles and in 1996 – in Atlanta. Losses in 1960 in Rome, was $ 56 million in 1964 in Tokyo – 458 million dollars in 1976, p.

Andrey Kovalev Life

Province is called "Kaliningrad" again fostered a new name for the stage of the country – Andrei Kovalev and its mono-performance "Day full of life." Why again you ask? Moscow is not the first reading and watching Eugene Grishkovets, inveterate theater-goers familiar directors Eugene Marcelli and recently won just three "Harlequin" for a new production of Michael Sales. Famous sisters Arngolts and … not the point. What the play "The Day of the full life "…. Gloomy morning hangover the average person who inwardly feel that he is a failure, that all his wrong and life is a failure … But like the legendary Venichka Erofeev, Andrei Kovalev hero searches for and finds joy in small, sometimes bewildered and sometimes evil fun of what we live every day – fine casual lying, stealing, tyranny, children, family scandals, not worth a damn. Andrei Kovalev prose style – a mixture of lyricism and aphoristic Sergei Dovlatov, irony, instant response, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, small form Zoshchenko and possibly zamesheno and insisted it all on Anton Chekhov.

For half an hour spectacle suddenly turns out that Yesterday was the day before yesterday and there was another, in some ways they are similar and very different. Squabbles at work, lack of understanding between the couple growing up kids with the characters of parents. Where are those pesky kids? So what we have done them … The perennial problem – not enough time to call on parents for a couple of hours. Debts, loans, small wages, perpetual repair the neighbors … from the top – friends will soon be left, some guarantors – sadly sighs hero Andrei Kovalev … A few minutes later again about the money: "It's like go to parent-teacher meeting without money." The original style of narration – the axis of headache from yesterday's spree strung all: life, death, love, hate holidays in Turkey, office blonde, all that goes through our minds every second.

Hegel Class

Since the ideas that they inspired the creation or the emergence of fascism as a political ideology and philosophy of life, they will be misinterpreted, and as Rudyard Kipling have said literally had to endure listening to the truth that he said twisted by rascals that only make traps for Dummies. Where lawmakers and philosophers as says Norberto Bobbio – they were dismissed, taking the lead new generations stunned by the rhetoric. Both Mussolini, Hitler, etc. will end up hating and pursuing what initially worshipped. Deforming, poorly performing these basic ideas which led to the creation of fascism. As the Superman of Niestzche theory. The strong and corporate status of Hegel.

The aristocratic socialism of Spencer, which is complemented by the theories of the elites of Mosca and Pareto. The nationalism of Manzini. The fascio, as inspiring symbol of power and democracy of the ancient Roman Empire and that is where the name fascism comes from. The middle class, as the social basis of fascism that then it will be that anti-communist and anti-capitalist political basis which will differentiate fascism, by presenting it as a third via or policy option. But it will be above all appeal to the youth and the new man, the Foundation and engine of this primitive fascist idea. From this perspective, fascism came to demonstrate that there is a new culture not based on the privileges of money, class, origin, etc. But on the spirit, so that fascism is an aristocratic socialism, as Spencer maintains it. Norberto Bobbio recalls a former fascist, truthful witness of this sad epic that I play star in fascism in history.

Finally, there was a prior fascism and a subsequent fascism, I say a commonplace, I know very well. I recently read an article by Indro Montanelli which explains perfectly how actually fascism became another thing on the fly. There were two fascisms, one right and one left.

The Representation

The existential logic depends on the experience to be constructed and the memory to be memorized and to be filed, as well as it depends on new experiences to be renewed. Each new experience is the propeller force of creation and/or alteration of our existential logic. The existential logic is the representation of our truths, of the elements that we believe and we use in our interaction with the interior and exterior world. The existential logic if differentiates of the rational, because, beyond the cognitivos elements, the emotional expressions are part of its composition. It is through the existential logic that we configure standards of existential references, that will go to determine the form to act and to react to that it happens in them.

The existential logic determines the way as we will go to react to the stimulatons, taking off of the emotion its impulsive character. Since we are moved, in our process of interaction, for existential logics and each one of them it has an idea force that dirige our attitudes, behaviors and thoughts; I ask: It will be that it is the emotional a bigger cause of our sufferings and of our disequilibria or will be the way as interpret our experiences, through our existential logic, the causer of everything? Let us think! If each experience generates an idea force and this, in turn, generates an existential logic that, in turn, if it uses of different emotional expressions to disclose to the exterior world what we are feeling; how, then, to keep and to justify an emotional expression without the reason is not present? In the construction of the existential logic, reason and emotion are partners. Both are parts of the same tram, not being able to be analyzed separately. Each one inside has its function of the construction and the expression of our existential logic.

Mexican Revolution

Legislators are symbols of inefficiency, corruption and lacking in all prestige (Cosio 1972: 110) another point of great controversy in the essay Crisis in Mexico is the scathing signage that Cosio does agrarian reform during the first decades posrevolucionarias. Give to the farmer, says the author, a piece of land in property was not the solution to the problem of the Mexican countryside. Towards lack also consider the performance and productivity of the land. The federal Government never bothered to create mechanisms that facilitate this performance; of this so there was no way that the economic situation would improve for small new owners. I.e., the new legal status of the land not resulted in substantive improvements for the peasantry (Cosio, 1972: 110) not only Villegas puts in evidence the agrarian reform, but also paragraph 123, Constitution, reflection of a clear paternalism toward the workers.

Virtually all legal constraints favored employee. This, however, has created over the years a dependence of the worker towards the Government, relegating it to a mere governmental Appendix (Cosio 1972: 112) the Mexican Revolution, according to Cosio Villegas, destroyed an entire political, social and economic system but it never bothered to create a new one, without flaws and contradictions of the first. What happened at the end of the day, was the rebirth of that same system, perhaps with another name, but in essence with the same characteristics (Cosio 1972: 113). This assertion can be framed better in the light of the Gaetano Mosca theory about the political class: the end of an elite represents, in the majority of cases, the uprising of another that is in new appearance, but in fact uses the same power mechanisms implemented by the previous (Guerrero, 1975: 117). Under this order of ideas, a new revolutionary Government only could have been established de facto, since it was developed following the model of previous Government.

Dale Carnegie

When the relationship was built based on mutual respect will be easier to come to fruition in situations of conflict. However, even in these cases, it is sometimes difficult to reach agreement. This happens when both parties feel they have already ceded enough. How to proceed in these situations? Someone must take the first step; Although this implies greater vulnerability. Otherwise, the risks incurred are: not advance the objectives of the relationship by a stagnation or worse, end up with the relationship. You must not make the mistake of thinking that these people will stop by themselves cause conflicts if you ignore them. Address them in offensive manner because of his behavior nor leads to good results. The best way to bring about change with these people is to build positive connections with them.

For example: share time and know of their lives. Also, be sure to do focus on the conflict and not on people who are apparently involved in the. Blame only exacerbates the problem. Perform all the conversations that were necessary but always in private. Very often, the cause of conflicting personalities is due to factors outside the employment relationship. Beyond these considerations, the consultant group highlights these matters lead to the question of the main theme in labour relations: an open and honest communication is the foundation of any relationship. This is achieved through an attitude to show confidence both in words and in fact, the study says.

Fundamental condition listening is one of the core competencies in the communication process. Moreover, is probably one of the most outstanding aspects. It is impossible to reach mutual understanding when communication is unilateral, highlighted the experts of Dale Carnegie. They added that the development of interpersonal relations depends on a principle of the leader, who must adopt an attitude of commitment, accessibility and sensitivity in the process. Its function is to create necessary springs for the development of an atmosphere of openness, honesty and containment. A leader is who sets the tone of the business. To do so, as a first step, you must analyze aspects related with the characteristics of the organizational culture, the report concludes. Companies are demanding more engineers and more unmet labour demand technicians, according to data released by the Indec was 10.3%, is evident at the professional level, especially in the areas of engineering, production, systems and administration. Indec data analysis shows that production and maintenance jobs had an 84.9% unsatisfied demand, while management and administration was 11.8%. Human resources specialists say that in endemic form, i.e. several months ago, unmet labour demand in engineering, management and headquarters of production, maintenance and also in health and safety. According to the Indec, unsatisfied job demand climbs to 51.8% when it comes to search operators and 39.9% when referring to personnel with qualifications technical, while it drops to only 8.3 percent when it comes to professionals, with higher or professional title. In this way, the current situation presents a paradox: while a little less than 2 million people seeking employment, and there is another group that while you’re busy has a very poor employment and low wages at the same time there are companies that are seeking to personnel and who in many cases have a 100% unmet labour demand.